Saturday, 23 January 2010

It has been a Sad week

As this week's title says it it has been a very sad week. My heinz variety cross who was at least 16 years old called Jessie died of old age at home. He was a stray when we found him, many moons ago.

He had been slowly deteriorating since Christmas and we knew the inevatable was coming but when he did decide it was time to go it was still heart breaking. On the up side though (if there is one), we managed to keep him at home till the end where he slept comfortably in his little dog bed. If I had to have taken him to the vets I would have been devastated. So as you can imagine the house feels a little strange still at the moment and I can still feel his presence in the house. Although 'Will' the Springer Spaniel is trying desperately to fill his void by being even more naughty than ever!!!

Trying to help with changing the duvet covers.

Although work wise I haven't been in the mood to get much done I have spent this week sorting through my stock deciding which products to keep and which to dismantle. That is the beauty of working with beaded jewellery. If you don't like it you can take it apart and start again. As I trained to design silver jewellery I am hoping this year, now that business has picked up, I will be able to start adding some silver pendants and accessories to my range. As mentioned before at least with beaded jewellery if you make a mistake you can take it apart and start again but with silver design if you make a  mistake it's for the bin and then it becomes costly.

There is one plus side to this week. I have had some good news. I received notification that I have been accepted at the Living North Live and Living North Christmas fairs this year. These events attract thousands upon thousands of visitors so I am hoping I will do well in March and in November. Looks like I'd better get cracking with the new designs!!!!

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