Thursday, 4 February 2010

First Event of the Year

My first event of the year is coming up this weekend. Yeay....I can't wait.

 I have felt as if my right arm has been cut off since Christmas. Reason being is that before Christmas I was lucky if I got half an hour to myself to relax and just chill out. From October onwards last year I was attending Christmas type events every weekend and then during the week I was working Part time as well as making more jewellery for the next weekends event. Now that Christmas has been and gone and January is always a quiet month I have felt rather redundant.

But this weekend it starts all over again with a local event in Hartlepool, Teesside on Saturday 6th February. I will be attending a Mind, Body, Spirit Convention so if you live local and you're interested in all things 'Spooky' then why not come along.

You'll find Hanni May Designs in Hartlepool Borough Hall, where as the poster says there will be Mediums, Card Readers if you'd like to know what is in your future, Holistic Treatments if you need to relax as well as Stalls with all things Spooky related.

I hope to see you all this weekend xx

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