Saturday, 16 January 2010

Snow,Snow,Snow and more Snow......

But thankfully it has all thawed out. Or at least for a short while, so say the Weather forecasters. I was starting to get cabin fever from being inside and not seeing much daylight these last couple of weeks.
No wonder people suffer from S.A.D syndrome with weather like this, bring on the Spring is what I say. I can't wait to get the flip flops back out of the wardrobe and wear some nice bright colours and shedding a few layers.

Speaking of colours I have been researching the Key trends for Spring/Summer 2010 and Blue seems to play a key role this year. No matter what the shade whether it be Navy Blue for the ever popular Nautical theme to a bright Royal Blue for a vibrant stand out tropical theme, once again Jewellery is playing a major part in accessorizing our outfits this Spring and Summer.

In the meantime, whilst I have been stuck indoors I've been creating fabulous stretch Hematite bracelets for 'Gifted and Blessed', in Norton, Stockton - on - Tees ( . The reason for this is that they hold 'Psychic Circle' classes where people can learn about Healing, Aura's, Angel Readings and anything else on the spooky side and Hematite is said to be a good all round healing gemstone to be worn. Hematite is also said to be good for warding off Negative energy and is used for enhancing one's logic, mathematical abilities, rational thinking and depth of technical knowledge as well as being able to reduce insomnia.

All of the bracelets made are of different designs and there are many of which to choose from, some even having Charms as illustrated in the photo above. They can purchased at 'Gifted and Blessed' in Norton or from my website - for £5.00 each.

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